Angry Elephant on the Subway
Sound art, Installation

Angry Elephant on the Subway, 2022, Sound, 2min 31sec.
︎︎︎Full video on Youtube [link]
An elephant is getting on the train and howling painfully. I reflected an ego in the elephant and it represents states of my mind. No one knows the final destination of the subway. It might go through without a stop and run to the end of the earth. I want to leave the flow of narrative to the audience’s imagination. *This is my first sound juxtaposition piece and it also contains surrealistic elements. When it comes to sound editing, I focused more on the sound as it is rather than on a technical approach.

︎︎︎Full video on Youtube [link]
An elephant is getting on the train and howling painfully. I reflected an ego in the elephant and it represents states of my mind. No one knows the final destination of the subway. It might go through without a stop and run to the end of the earth. I want to leave the flow of narrative to the audience’s imagination. *This is my first sound juxtaposition piece and it also contains surrealistic elements. When it comes to sound editing, I focused more on the sound as it is rather than on a technical approach.