Confusion 혼란
2-Channel Video Installation

*Installation Plan

When it comes to my installation plan, I wanted to embody the fluidity visually. I set up the fan with a microscopic fabric print embedded in a stretcher-bar. In order to convey the feeling of emptiness that I feel while looking at the sea as it is on the floor, I increased the time gap between the video and the sound of the waves to be further maximized. Unlike the floor video, I added subtitles in the fabric projection video because I wanted to make the viewer feel the flow in terms of emotional transference.

- Art-Making Process

- Microscopic Dust Photography for Video Projection
(Fabric Print)

Multimedia; Two-channel video installation, Fan, tripods, fabric print

︎Installation Preview [link]

The title of my artwork is Confusion which contains my confused inner self. It was too much to handle the breadth of emotions that poured into my mind, and this work came out after thinking about how to deal with the overwhelming emotion and express it outside. Sometimes, it is not intuitive to recognize exactly what the state of mind is and to define that particular emotion. So, I started creating a work as a solution to feel the flow of my mind. For 8 minutes and 13 seconds, I intensively captured what I saw, thought, and felt, and I left an intentional gap in the middle so that the audience could focus solely on the sound.

- Images and video sources through portable microscope (Metaphorical Approach)